Data in Cell dependant on drop down lists



I'm trying to create an idiot-proof spreadsheet for our family business staff

I have made a drop down list from January - December,
and a second list from 2008 - 2019, these values form the headings of each
subsequent page inc. staff payslips.

I am able to select APRIL from a dropdown in cell B3; 2008 from a dropdown
in CELL B5 ... BUT .... when those are selected I would like cell B7 to
"Pay Period 29/03/08 to 28/04/08" (or the appropriate Pay period for the
month/year combination)


So you have in B3: April, in B5: 2008. Assuming that additionally, the
number: 28 will be entered/selected in say: B4, then this expression placed
in B7 will return exactly what you're looking for:
=IF(COUNTA(B3:B5)<3,"","Pay period
"&TEXT(DATE(YEAR(--(B3&B5)),MONTH(--(B3&B5))-1,DAY(B4)+1),"dd/mm/yy")&" to

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