Data Grid - 2 rows per record?



Ok, my title may sound odd - let me explain what it means -

It's easy to setup a grid to display 1 row of information per database
record. Let's say this for example I have a grid display some customer
information such as First Name, Last name and Customer ID on one row.
But, what if there's a large comment for that customer, I could display
it in a 4th column, but if it's large enough it's going to cause some
undesired scrolling. Would there be any way to put that comment on a
2nd row (thus, 2 rows per record - first row contains First name, last
name, customer id, 2nd row contains the comment and spans over 3

It would in theory be possible to do this using a itemTemplate and
outputting a <table> and a few <tr>'s to handle the data, however I
can't figure out how using an itemTemplate would still allow the
programmer to use the built-in functionality to sort by column --
because as far as the grid is concerned, there would be only one column
in the grid.

Any tips would be appreciated.


Mischa Kroon

It would in theory be possible to do this using a itemTemplate and
outputting a <table> and a few <tr>'s to handle the data, however I
can't figure out how using an itemTemplate would still allow the
programmer to use the built-in functionality to sort by column --
because as far as the grid is concerned, there would be only one column
in the grid.

Any tips would be appreciated.

2 options:

1 process serverside add in the extra html to place the data in the row
2 process through template with a function to spit out the html.


The best solution to this issue is to put a hyperlink column in for the
column(s) that hold a large amount of text, and have that bring up a details
grid or even a popup window containing the details of a single row, laid out
perhaps with a DataList.

Jacek Stawicki

Uzytkownik "Chu said:
Ok, my title may sound odd - let me explain what it means -

It's easy to setup a grid to display 1 row of information per database
record. Let's say this for example I have a grid display some customer
information such as First Name, Last name and Customer ID on one row.
But, what if there's a large comment for that customer, I could display
it in a 4th column, but if it's large enough it's going to cause some
undesired scrolling. Would there be any way to put that comment on a
2nd row (thus, 2 rows per record - first row contains First name, last
name, customer id, 2nd row contains the comment and spans over 3

It would in theory be possible to do this using a itemTemplate and
outputting a <table> and a few <tr>'s to handle the data, however I
can't figure out how using an itemTemplate would still allow the
programmer to use the built-in functionality to sort by column --
because as far as the grid is concerned, there would be only one column
in the grid.

I recommend you using Repeater Web Control:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<td><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label1" Text='<%#
Eval("AccountNumber") %>' />
<td><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label2" Text='<%# Eval("Name")
%>' />

And some custom methods for sorting etc.

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