Data Conversion


Brad Markisohn

I've been brute forcing a conversion of binary data in a byte array into
ASCII encrypted hex (2 chars = 1 byte). Is there a formatting scheme that
will allow me to do this? Here's a snipet of the code I've been using:

For Count = 0 To myBuffer.Ubound(0)

If Len(Hex(myBuffer(Count))) < 2 Then

ByteValue = "0" & Hex(myBuffer(Count))


ByteValue = Hex(ReadBuffer(Count))

End If


Next Count

Armin Zingler

Brad Markisohn said:
I've been brute forcing a conversion of binary data in a byte array
into ASCII encrypted hex (2 chars = 1 byte). Is there a formatting
scheme that will allow me to do this? Here's a snipet of the code

Formatting scheme?
I've been using:

For Count = 0 To myBuffer.Ubound(0)

If Len(Hex(myBuffer(Count))) < 2 Then

ByteValue = "0" & Hex(myBuffer(Count))


ByteValue = Hex(ReadBuffer(Count))

End If


Next Count

I would write:

For Count = 0 To myBuffer.Ubound(0)
Next Count

Does this help?


How to quote and why:

Gary Chang

Hi Brad,

Thanks for posting in the community.

Currently I am looking for somebody who could help you on it. We will reply
here with more information as soon as possible.
If you have any more concerns on it, please feel free to post here.


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Peter Huang

Hi Brad,

Thanks for posting in the community.

First of all, I would like to confirm my understanding of your issue.
From your description, I understand that you want to convert a byte array
into a string, where each byte will be convert into two chars.
Have I fully understood you? If there is anything I misunderstood, please
feel free to let me know.

I agree with Armin's suggestion. Also what do you mean by the "Formatting
scheme", if you have any concern on this issue ,please post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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