data binding a simple value



Hi to all,

I have an object that has a property numberOfFilesDeleted which is an
integer. I want to bind a label to it so that when the value changes, the
label gets updated on the screen.

I have used the following code to bind the text property of the label to the
object property.

private void WinForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
label1.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", directorySweepObj,

When I do the following :
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
directorySweepObj.numberOfFilesDeleted =
directorySweepObj.numberOfFilesDeleted + 1

I would expect the label to be updated, but it is not.

What am I doing wrong?


Marc Gravell

Your object needs to tell the UI that it has changed; this can be done in
two ways:

1.1 style: create a public event on your class called {propertyname}Changed,
and call this event when your values change

2 style: implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, and call this event
(specifying the name of the property) when the values change

Following is an example of the latter:

public class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged {
private int someField;
public int SomeProperty {
get {
return someField;
set {
if (someField != value) {
someField = value;
OnPropertyChanged("SomeProperty"); // oh for missing the
nameof(SomeProperty) {or nameof(method)?} function...
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


Hi Marc,

Thanks for the reply.

I just started looking at C# last month in my spare time. So it looks like I
completely misunderstood databinding. I thought that was the whole point of
it (i.e. some sort of subject-observer pattern), where by specifying the
binding would handle the updating, registering of observer, notification

The code I have seen in the past with databinding was always with dataSets
and not with object properties.

So, I still need the data binding code -> label1.DataBindings.Add(new
Binding("Text", directorySweepObj,

and I then introduce the notification code in my object? Is that correct?

Thanks once again.

Marc Gravell


IIRC DataSets already include this functionality, which is why you haven't
seen it so far. If you think about it. it makes sense: you don't want the UI
constantly probing your objects to see which properties have changed.

For ref, if you bing to a BindingSource instead (which sits between the UI
and the objects) you can call ResetBindings() on the source to force a
re-read from the object (e.g. when you think it has changed), but IMO it is
better to use notification - this avoids a lot of problems.


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