.dat file extension



received excel spreadsheet by email with .dat file extension after the .xls When opened got a dialog box warning that "modifying or editing" this type of file could damage my system. Saved them and renamed them without the .dat but it still shows up when trying to open. What causes this and how do I deal with it? I need to send the sheet on and would prefer it to be safe for the recipeint. Also, I need to edit but am afraid to do it.


Assuming you know who sent the file and trust them, why not tell them to
re-send with the correct extension only (.xls)?

Greeting from the Gulf Coast!
steve ohio said:
received excel spreadsheet by email with .dat file extension after the
..xls When opened got a dialog box warning that "modifying or editing" this
type of file could damage my system. Saved them and renamed them without the
..dat but it still shows up when trying to open. What causes this and how do
I deal with it? I need to send the sheet on and would prefer it to be safe
for the recipeint. Also, I need to edit but am afraid to do it.


the sender says he sent excel file only...with no extra extension. I can open it in excel but am worried about trying to edit because of the caution in the dialog box

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