Dear friends,
I am in the process of developing a database for a dancing school, in which
many students will be recorded and each student will have to pay for each
month an amount. ProblemA – Should I allow each student to be recorded every
year (with his new personal data, including new class) or shall I link each
student with a second table (year, class)? Also what about students attending
many classes?
I am thinking of the following starting structure:
1.StudentID – Primary key
2.Student name, surname etc
3. RegistrationDate
4. ClassID – drop down from another table
5. etc, etc.
In case of having a student only recorded once here I will create a table –
tbl_StucentsClass (StudentID, ClassID, Year etc)
Tbl_Invoices or Payments
1. ReceiptID – Number Long Integer (using a form a will get the max+1)
2. DatePaid etc
3. Month (month for which payment is made)
4. Year (year of month for which payment is made)
5. Amount
6. etc.
My problem is that I will need to know who has paid and who has not for each
For example: StudentA who has registered in January, 2008 has paid for
January, February and March , but now is April, lets say – so the program
must tell me that he hasn’t pay yet for April
StudentB who has registered in February, 2008 has paid for January, February
(now is April) – so the program must tell me that he hasn’t pay for March and
April). Also, since he has registered in February, January must not be
considered as unpaid.
Thanking you in advance,
I am in the process of developing a database for a dancing school, in which
many students will be recorded and each student will have to pay for each
month an amount. ProblemA – Should I allow each student to be recorded every
year (with his new personal data, including new class) or shall I link each
student with a second table (year, class)? Also what about students attending
many classes?
I am thinking of the following starting structure:
1.StudentID – Primary key
2.Student name, surname etc
3. RegistrationDate
4. ClassID – drop down from another table
5. etc, etc.
In case of having a student only recorded once here I will create a table –
tbl_StucentsClass (StudentID, ClassID, Year etc)
Tbl_Invoices or Payments
1. ReceiptID – Number Long Integer (using a form a will get the max+1)
2. DatePaid etc
3. Month (month for which payment is made)
4. Year (year of month for which payment is made)
5. Amount
6. etc.
My problem is that I will need to know who has paid and who has not for each
For example: StudentA who has registered in January, 2008 has paid for
January, February and March , but now is April, lets say – so the program
must tell me that he hasn’t pay yet for April
StudentB who has registered in February, 2008 has paid for January, February
(now is April) – so the program must tell me that he hasn’t pay for March and
April). Also, since he has registered in February, January must not be
considered as unpaid.
Thanking you in advance,