Damaged CD, help.


Marc C

The short story is that I have distroyed my Windows Embedded XP with SP1
disc 1. (802 Part No. X09-00922) The CD fell victum to a faulty CD-ROM
drive, which has rendered the disc unreadable.

The problem is that Microsoft doesn't stock the CD's with their standard
replacement CD service. The company I purchased it from does not have any
replacement CD's. This leaves me with the only option to purchase another
kit for $1000.00. Needless to say I don't have an additional $1000.00 in my
budget to replace a single CD.

I can provide proof of ownership and liscence. I am NOT looking to steal or
piriate software, just continue using the software I purchased.

What I am asking for is someone willing to assist me with an ISO image of a
working CD 1.

Please e-mail me at (e-mail address removed) if you are willing to assist me. I will
gladly reward any effort with a gift certificate to a local resturant. :)

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Marc,

Contact the distributor that you bought XPe from. They should be able to assist you.
Or if you are not in hurry you can wait for SP2 version of XPe.
In the mean time you can use eval version for development purposes.


Marc C

The problem is (According to my Embedded XP Distributor) Microsoft only
distributes the CD's in complete packages. Single CD's are not available
from either my distributor or Microsoft CD Replacement services.

I called all over Microsoft and my Distributor trying to get another
answer, but alas I found no help. That is why I have turned to the
rather "gray" market of acquiring (aka begging for) a replacement CD
from fellow XPe users.

I have everything installed right now, but in the event of a computer
meltdown I won't be able to reinstall the Target Designer and such
without this disk.

I guess this should be seen as a warning to all other users, backup your
XPe CD's.


Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Marc,

Very soon you should be able to obtain XPe SP2 so this should solve your problems. (At least I hope so I have no clue how upgrade
procedure goes, whether we should pay something or not.)
In mean time make a backup oh whole your HDD with Windows XP.


PS: Have you damaged certain files? Or whole disk is useless?
If few files you could probably copy all files to HDD, and use damaged files from eval version.

Marc C

I guess I will have to wait for SP2 to come out and hope for an upgrade
CD. I was rather hoping that someone would be willing to upload an ISO
Image of the CD to my server, or some such thing.

The origional CD is dammaged beyond any use. The CD Rom drive tray got
stuch in the up position and spin the CD. This in effect grinded the top
off the disk and removed the reflective material.

Thanks for the advice about SP2. I just hope it comes as a full install

Best regards,

Andy Allred [MS]

I'm not saying i can resolve this for you, but i will try. who is the
distributor in question here? From your post, sounds like you need the
full version that will work with your pid, not the eval version. Is
this correct?


I appreciate any help you may be able to offer.

I believe I need a full version replacement disc. If you like I can
provide you with the Product Key, part number, copy of recipt, DNA
sample, anything.

My distributor is VentureCom (www.vci.com).

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. Please feel free
to contact me directly at (e-mail address removed).

Best regards,

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