Daily Updated List of Data



Hello -- First time posting here. I need some help to hopefully make my
workflow more automated. I work with a number of fairly simple files on a
daily basis. A few of these files have all the dates of the month down one
column, and running data going down another column. I manually update data
from another spreadsheet, which does not have running data for the month,
only detailed information for the day

Example 1 (which I manually update):
Date Stock Price
4/01/07 10.00
4/02/07 10.02
4/03/07 9.40
4/04/07 <blank cell>
4/05/07 <Blank cell>

Example 2 (Detailed information for the day. which we overwrite on a daily
basis. The Stock price is taken from a web query)
Today's stock price is: 9:40

I work with 5 spreadsheets that have this kind of running date that is
updated on a daily basis manally (some are sums of different cells, some can
be referenced to just one cell), and I can't think of an automated way to
make this work.
How do I update my Month's report by linking they two spreadsheets?

Is there some kind of conditional formatting that will only update the cell
for the day, and if not the day don't do anything?

I have tried " =if(A1=today(),A2) where A1 is the cells with the date, and
A2 is the data I need. If I drag this formula through the column, it makes
all, but today's date have no data. If you have any ideas please let me know.

I hope what I want to do makes sense!

Peo Sjoblom

Check your imported dates, they are probably seen as text by Excel
If they are dates this formula should return TRUE



Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately it's not exactly what I'm looking for.... at least I don't
think...but you are right that the dates were formatted as text.

SPREAD SHEET 1 Dated and daly tracked data as it is now...
pretend today is 4/4/07
04/01/07 10.00
04/02/07 11.00
04/03/07 9.58
04/04/07 9.87
04/05/07 <blank cell>
04/06/07 <blank cell>
04/07/07 <blank cell>
04/08/07 <blank cell>

Spreadsheet 2 (Detailed data for the day)
Stock Price 9.87

What formula can I apply to Spreadsheet 1, Column B to update the day's
stock price, without affecting the previous day's stockprices?

I have tried
if(A1=today(), [spreadsheet 2] B1)
however it will make all cells in spreadsheet 1, column B show FALSE, except
for the stock price that falls on today's date.

Thank you again for responding Peo

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