D lookup in a query



I have a query that has a field IDNumber, i would like to put a field
in the query as a look up

It needs to look and and dispaly the field " StockRemaning" from the
query qrySockRemaining witht IDN number linking the two

How do i do thing?


Clifford Bass

Hi Simon,

Try a simple inner join:

select qryFirst.IDNumber, StockRemaining
from qryFirst inner join qryStockRemaining
on qryStockRemaining.IDNumber = qryFirst.IDNumber;

Where qryFirst is the name of the query that you mentioned first.

Clifford Bass

John W. Vinson

I have a query that has a field IDNumber, i would like to put a field
in the query as a look up

It needs to look and and dispaly the field " StockRemaning" from the
query qrySockRemaining witht IDN number linking the two

How do i do thing?


In a vacant Field cell in the query type:

StockRemaining: DLookUp("StockRemaining", "qryStockRemaining", "[IDNumber] = "
& [IDNumber])

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