CustomValidator and shared function


Robert Scheer


I created a new class where I defined some shared methods. One of
these methods (called IsInvalidKey) is a generic function that I wants
to use with several customvalidator controls.

In my .aspx page I defined an imports for my shared class:
<%@ Import namespace="Webfinder.Helper" %>

And for my customvalidator control I have:
<ASP:CUSTOMVALIDATOR id="custKey" runat="server"
controltovalidate="txtKey" clientvalidationfunction="IsKey"

When I run the page I get the error:
BC30456: 'Validations' is not a member of 'ASP.FindUser_aspx'

If I define the function directly at the page's code-behind, it all

How can I define a server-side function to use with several

Robert Scheer

Scott Allen

Hi Robert:

You'll have to define a method in your page that forwards (invokes) the shared
method of the other class. Make sense?

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