Customise Error Message



I have the code below, which seems to work OK.
Is there any way I can customise the Error message that
may appear?

All help is appreciated

Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Form_Load_Err

' Disables action queries
Call Init
' Deletes tbBacklog
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qyDelete_Table_Backlog", acNormal,
' Imports Backlog.xls
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, "tbBacklog",
DLookup("File_Location", "tbDefaults"), True, ""
' Appends work centres
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qyWorkCentres-Apend_tbWork Centre",
acNormal, acEdit
' Appends planner groups
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qyPlannerGroup-Apend_tbPlanner
Group", acNormal, acEdit

DoCmd.OpenForm "Switchboard"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume Form_Load_Exit

End Sub



If you add a variable at the beginning of the code (just above the On Error
Goto line)

dim lngErr as long

Then if you replace the two lines below the " Form_Load_Err:" line with:

lngErr = Err.Number

Select Case lngErr

Case 'expected error no'
(if you know of any specific errors that are likely to occur then
you may be able to write some code to handle this without notifying the
user if that is appropriate depending on the error) eg if you just wish to
ignore it and ignoring it will not matter then just a Resume Next may be OK.

(if the above is not appropriate for the given error, and you just
want to cancel Loading then):

MsgBox "Custom error message " & lngErr.Number & " Details: " &
lngErr.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Unanticipated Error"
Resume Form_Load_Exit

Case Else

MsgBox "Unanticipated Error etc. " & lngErr.Number & " Details: " &
lngErr.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Unanticipated Error"
Resume Form_Load_Exit

End Select

Hope this helps


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