Custom Worksheet Function - Absolute...?



I have created the following worksheet function. 1) I would like to make the
"Table_Array" an absolute addressing as the default, regardless of what is
typed in and 2) if possible, allow it to be editted to relative addressing if

Public Function iiVlookup(Lookup_Value, Table_Array As Range, _
Col_Index_Num As Integer, Optional Range_Lookup As Boolean = False, Optional
IsErrorValue = "")

' Uses the vlookup function but returns a user defined value (IsErrorValue)
if the vlookup results in an error message.

iiVlookup = Application.VLookup(Lookup_Value, Table_Array, Col_Index_Num,

If IsError(IfIserrorVlookup) Then

iiVlookup = IsErrorValue


iiVlookup = iiVlookup

End If

End Function

JE McGimpsey

Not sure what you mean by absolute and relative addressing in

Absolute and Relative only really apply to how the range is specified
when it is called from the worksheet. A range itself doesn't have any
Absolute or Relative property.

If you mean that you want to have a default table (say "Sheet2!A:x"),
you could use something like

Public Function iiVlookup( _
ByVal Lookup_Value As Variant, _
ByRef Table_Array As Variant, _
ByVal Col_Index_Num As Integer, _
Optional ByVal Range_Lookup As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal IsErrorValue = "") As Variant

' Uses the vlookup function but returns a user defined value
' (IsErrorValue) if the vlookup results in an error message.

If Not TypeOf Table_Array Is Range Then _
Set Table_Array = ThisWorkbook.Sheets( _
"Sheet2").Columns(1).Resize(, Col_Index_Num)
iiVlookup = Application.VLookup( _
Lookup_Value, Table_Array, Col_Index_Num, Range_Lookup)
If IsError(iiVlookup) Then iiVlookup = IsErrorValue
End Function

which allows you to call the function as

=iiVLOOKUP(A1, , 2, FALSE, "Error Value")

to use the default table, or

=iiVLOOKUP(A1, J:K, 2, FALSE, "Error Value")

to override the default table.

If I've completely missed the mark, post back with more information
about what you're looking for.


It is not a default table. Rather it is in response to coping the formula
after the first input.

If I use the formula as follows in B1

=iiVLOOKUP(A1, E1:F50, 2, FALSE, "")

but then I want to copy down the column from B1 to B2 through B25, the
reference to the table array will change to E2:F51, etc. I want it to stay
the same (absolute) without having to tell it to by using F4 or entering the
$ signs. I was hoping there was a way in the function to change the default
to absolute ($E$1:$F$50) but allow the user to edit the formula to change it
if desired ($E$1:F50).

JE McGimpsey

The function will only see what is passed to it.

So call it like this:

=iiVLOOKUP(A1, $E$1:$F$50, 2, False, "")

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