Custom Web Form Class



I am writing a web application for my company (VB.NET). I am adding a custom
web form class to prevent all the code reuse as you can see below...

Public Class UIWebForm
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Here I have a Public Sub that will use a ASP Literal on the page to display
a javascript alert message...

Protected WithEvents ltlAlert As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal

Public Sub ShowAlertMessage(ByVal Message As String)
' Format string properly
Message = FormatJavaScriptMessage(Message)
' Display as JavaScript alert
ltlAlert.Text = "alert('" & Message & "')"
End Sub

Public Function FormatJavaScriptMessage(ByVal Message As String) As
Message = Message.Replace("'", "\'")
Message = Message.Replace(Convert.ToChar(10), "\n")
Message = Message.Replace(Convert.ToChar(13), "")
Return Message
End Function

I need to drop the ASP Literal control onto my webform as follows to get
this to work...

<asp:Literal id="ltlAlert" runat="server"

Is there a way that I can have the above code also enter on my page
automatically so that I do not have to enter it on every page that create.
Can I add when the controls render or anything? I cannot think of the
specific funcitons I would need to call or implement

William F. Robertson, Jr.

Rather than use a hardcoded label as an alert placeholder, why don't you
just use Page.RegisterStartupScript? and register the alert statement
through there?


Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Welcome to ASPNET newsgroup.

As for the displaying alert message in page you mentioned, I think
William's suggestion on using
Page.RegisterStartupScript function is good. This is a member fucntion of
Page class, however it is not automatically displayed in VB.NET IDE , we
can manually type it in our code. Also, it's better to encapsualte it into
a Page fucntion (in a base page class) so that we can resue it in other
concrete pages, for example:

Public Sub MsgBox(ByVal msg As String)
Page.RegisterStartupScript("msg_script", _
language='javascript'>alert('{0}');</script>", msg) _

End Sub

Then, in our postback event, we can use the following code to output the
scriptcode which displaying an alert msgbox

Private Sub btnShow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnShow.Click
MsgBox("hello aspnet!")

End Sub

HTH. Thanks,

Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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