Custom TextBox




I would like to paint the text and the background of the .NET textbox
myself. I figured out that Win32 does all the painting there, so it seems
there's not so much I can do about this. It seems that the only solution is
to make my own custom control.

Can anyone point me to custom textbox controls, or did anyone find a trick
to paint the textbox themselves?

Simon Tamman {Uchiha Jax}

You want something along these lines I guess....

public class PaintedTextBox : TextBox

public PaintedTextBox()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
//// just a test to show we are actually drawing the textbox
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, e.ClipRectangle);
/// commented out
//base.OnPaint (e);

protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
base.OnTextChanged (e);
/// make sure it repaints when text is changed

You might want to also run
SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
to prevent flicker.




I've tried to do this before, but I found a couple of problems there:
It seems that the caret is still painted. It is also painted on the wrong
position. I am trying to draw the text antialiased, and the caret seems to be
running ahead. Also: it seems that the original text is still printed, it is
often printed under or over my text, for instance, when I try to select text
with my mouse.

I've been browsing the internet for quite some time now and everyone
suggests me to use the userpaint style, but I have found noone who actually
succeeded in building their own, completely userpainted textbox. Or am I
missing something here?

It will also be a pain to support all the standard textbox features, btw.
But I am willing to do so.

(I am using the 2.0 framework from RC1)

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