custom installation wizard


rick snyder

I have done an "administrative installation" of Office
2003 on a network share. I then attempted to use Custom
Installation Wizard to create an MST file for user

I want to the user installation process to upgrade
(install) Outlook 2003....and leave the rest of Office
alone. After installation...the user machine should have
Office 2000 components (which already existed)...and
Outlook should have been upgraded to 2003.

I haven't figured out the right settings in CIW yet...when
I do a user install...I get Office 2000 components (word,
excel, etc.), in addition to Office 2003 components (word,
excel, etc.)...and Outlook 2003.

How do I use CIW to tell the Office MSI and my MST to only
install Outlook 2003....I don't want the rest of Office
2003 installed?????

Solution Guy

There is a possibility this may not be possible, I have
had similar problems with Office 2K\XP when you want to
upgrade one thing it does the lot regardless. It probably
stems from the options chosen with the program you want to
install, i.e. they require components from these other
programs and therefore Word and so on get installed. One
quick solution may be to go out and buy a copy of Outlook
2003 without the rest of office. Then it won't be able to
install the other applications.

This is probably one for the forum sysop who might be able
to be more specific, anfd indicate whether or not it is
actually possible.

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