custom help files



I have writen a Visual Basic Macro running within Excel 2002 which contains
several UserForms, ComboBoxes, and ListBoxes.
I wish to create Custom Help Files for my macro w/ "What's This" buttons to
guide the end user through my program.
I can't seam to figure out how to get there from here.

Were can I get the information required to create/compile these help files?
Do I need a speacial editing tool or can I use any text editor such as Word?

Thanks in advance

Lonnie M.

Hi, I didn't see that Bob had replied to this post. Bob included links
to a couple of tutorials in the thread that I posted above--thanks Bob
your post was helpful in furthering my skills--Lonnie M.

Bob Phillips

Thank you Lonnie.

I recalled that thread, but I couldn't remember any keywords to look up, so
your input was timely.

And hey, I'm consistent :)


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