Custom Function


Abdul Shakeel

Hi All,

I've a form in which I've several text Boxes some of which are must to be
filled by the user I just want that if user dont put data in any required
textbox a custom massage appears asking for filling the data.

for this purpose I want that I make custom function so I could call this
function anywhere I want this validation.


The best place to ensure a value is in a required field is in the Form
Current event. The basic structure there is:

Private Sub Form_Current(Cancel As Integer)

If <<some condition fails>> Then
MsgBox "Not Valid"
Cancel = True
End If

You can do it specifically for each control you want to validate:

If IsNull(Me.txtFilingDate) Then
MsgBox "Filing Date Is Required"
Cancel = True
End If

You could write a generic function you can call from anywhere, but
generally, the requirements for each control are unique enough that such a
function may not be that useful.

Robert Morley

I'm not seeing the problem here. Cancel is an Integer in forms (for no
reason I understand...I think it's because historically, there was no Boolean).


Stuart McCall

Robert Morley said:
I'm not seeing the problem here. Cancel is an Integer in forms (for no
reason I understand...I think it's because historically, there was no


Hi Rob

So you missed it too <g>.
The Form_Current event doesn't have a Cancel parameter. He'll know as soon
as he re-reads what I back-quoted. I think he probably means

Robert Morley

Hi Rob
So you missed it too <g>.
The Form_Current event doesn't have a Cancel parameter. He'll know as soon
as he re-reads what I back-quoted. I think he probably means



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