Custom Command Bars


Barb Reinhardt

I've figured out a way to add custom commands to the ROWS or CELLS
commandbars, but I only seem to be able to add one. Can someone help me
figure out how to add multiple custom commands to one of those command bars?


Barb Reinhardt



Copie this in a general module

It's working in Excel 2003 and Excel 2007

Sub test()
Dim MBar As CommandBar

Set MBar = Application.CommandBars("Column")
'Set MBar = Application.CommandBars("Row")
With MBar
With .Controls.Add
.BeginGroup = True
.Caption = "NewCommand1"
.OnAction = "Happy_New_Year"
End With
With .Controls.Add
.Caption = "NewCommand2"
.OnAction = "OK"
End With
End With

End Sub
Sub Ok()
MsgBox "Is it working ?"
End Sub
Sub Happy_New_Year()
MsgBox "you too"
End Sub

"Barb Reinhardt" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
groupe de discussion : (e-mail address removed)...
I've figured out a way to add custom commands to the ROWS or CELLS
commandbars, but I only seem to be able to add one. Can someone help me
figure out how to add multiple custom commands to one of those command bars?


Barb Reinhardt

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