custom colors: where do they go?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fredrated
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Better question: how do I keep them?

It seems that when I create a custom color that I like, they don't stay in
the custom color area long. On the other hand, sometimes they stay longer
than other times.

Question: how do I make custom colors hang around? They seem to disappear
if I have closed an access app, sometimes they don't even hang around that

What am I doing wrong, or is 'disappearing' custom colors a feature?

Also, where do the go when they disappear? Are they lurking somewhere?

If you had a form where you had created several custom colors... ex.
Go to Tools / Options / Forms Reports, and indicate that
frmTemplateForm is "template" you want to use when creating any new form.
By doing that, when you create a new form, your custom colors will be
there... as well as the template form's Text options, Label options, etc...
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."
This sounds like a good approach, I will try it.

ANother question about custom colors if you read this:

When I use the color tool that comes up when you click [...] for a color
property, I can never get it to save more than one custom color at a time.
When I try to add a new custom color it always writes over the 'resident'
custom color; do you know how to add a new color that will show up on the
custom color chart along side existing custom colors?

Thanks for your help.

Before you create your new color, click one of the unused black boxes in
the custom pallete...where you want to save the new color.
(which in effect says "All custom colors start from Black)
Adjust your RGB, and hit Save Custom Color.
It will save to the custom box you selected.
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

Fredrated said:
This sounds like a good approach, I will try it.

ANother question about custom colors if you read this:

When I use the color tool that comes up when you click [...] for a color
property, I can never get it to save more than one custom color at a time.
When I try to add a new custom color it always writes over the 'resident'
custom color; do you know how to add a new color that will show up on the
custom color chart along side existing custom colors?

Thanks for your help.


Al Campagna said:
If you had a form where you had created several custom colors... ex.
Go to Tools / Options / Forms Reports, and indicate that
frmTemplateForm is "template" you want to use when creating any new form.
By doing that, when you create a new form, your custom colors will be
there... as well as the template form's Text options, Label options,
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your