Custom bullets




I thought I was being really slick. I customized my bullets on all my MS
Word docs. I used our corporate logo as a minature bullet. I imported the
image into MS Word. The documents look great.

My problem is that when I e-mail the document to others, the corporate logo
is replaced with the standard round Microsoft bullets. How can I ensure that
the image I use for bullets remains on my documents and is read by other
users at other computers?

Charles Kenyon

See: This is
bottom line, step-by-step instructions on making bullets that don't change
from computer to computer. All formatting starts at the modify styles
dialog. " Grown ups don't use the bullets button on the toolbar. " " Grown
ups don't use Format > Bullets and Numbering." They don't do either of these
because they know that it will lead to problems when they least can afford

This is based on ...

Word's Numbering Explained

Additional information you may find useful or need is at:

How to Create a Template, Part II

Even if you follow all of Shauna's recommendations, I'm not sure your bullet
will transfer because I don't know that it is embedded in your document. (I
don't know that it isn't, either.) If you add the picture to a font and
embed the font in your document, it will be there.

Otherwise, when I want my documents to look the same to the recipient as
they do to me, I send them as pdf files or on paper. Word is designed to
print things on paper, everything else is built around that core purpose.
The only time I send someone a Word document in that format is when I want
them to edit it and send it back to me.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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