Custom Add-In?



I've created a new workbook with some VBA functionality
and a custom toolbar to call the functions. I have saved
it as a .XLA and referenced it in the addins... My
problem is that when I open up a new workbook and click
on the custom button the source code for the .xla is
opened instead of the .xla itself. What I want is to
have the toolbar opened when the add-in is referenced and
have the code run from within the .xla. How do I
accomplish this? Thanks.

Dave Peterson

I'm kind of confused when you write that the source code opened for the .xla.

Source code is in the workbook (that was saved in the .xla).

Do you mean it opens a different workbook? If yes, maybe you assigned the
controls on the toolbar to point at the wrong workbook?

Tom Ogilvy

have the workbook.Open event of the XLA loop through the controls of the
toolbar and assign the onaction property to point to the xla.

object.OnAction = & "!" & varr(i)

where varr(i) contains the appropriate macro name.

Or do this one time with external code. (replace with the
name of the xla).

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