Current User ID - Can't get to work



I am not understanding how to copy the code that Dev wrote getting the
current user ID into Visual Basic and then calling it from my Access

I copy the code. I insert a new module. I paste the code. I go to a
text box on my form. I go to 'before update' and hit expression
builder. I don't see this code or function anywhere.

Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I want this information to
go into a table along with my text box that I have current date/time.

When a new record is created using my form I would like a query or
dlookup to pull the current user information and bring back into the
form for auto fill their location and the last time they entered a

I'm willing to pay someone for their help. I have a project due and
I'm lost. Help please. Thanks.

Douglas J. Steele

One of the most common problems is naming the module the same name as a
function (or sub) contained within it. In other words, if you chose to name
the module fOSUserName when you saved it, you'll run into problems.

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