Curly Question with a Combobox



If i set Application.ScreenUpdating = True,
when the user triggers the Combobox1 DropButtonClick_Event ( ),
the userform that displays the Combobox stays in the centre of the screen and the page that contains
the values listed in the Combobox appears in the back ground.
With me so far?

Now, the values of the Combobox.List are in Column A which can be seen in the background worksheet
once the DropButtonClick event is triggered.

Here is the Question :

If I place my MOUSE over a value in the list, Can the WorkSheet in the background scroll Up/Down to
Centre the Value or set the value to the top of the page?

I have values i need to LOOK at that are in Column C 2-22 rows below the value in Column A.

Is this possible?
What does the Mouse Up, Mouse Down, Mouse Move event's do, is this it???

How can i code this if that is the case ??



I tried and pasted the below code into the MOUSEMOVE event,
I get the WorkSheet flickering but it does not scroll up or down at all??

Private Sub ComboBox3_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single,
ByVal Y As Single)
On Error Resume Next
With Worksheets("InspectionData").Range("A:A")
Set rngFound = .Find(What:=Me.ComboBox3.Value, After:=.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues,
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, Matchbyte:=False)
rngFound.Offset(25, 0).Activate
End With
With ActiveWindow
..ScrollRow = ActiveCell.Row - Int(.VisibleRange.Rows.Count / 2)
..ScrollColumn = ActiveCell.Column - Int((.VisibleRange.Columns.Count - 1) / 2)
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Can i replace the 'Me.Combobox3.Value' with a Me.Combobox3.SelectionHighlighted or similar ?

If i set Application.ScreenUpdating = True,
when the user triggers the Combobox1 DropButtonClick_Event ( ),
the userform that displays the Combobox stays in the centre of the screen and the page that contains
the values listed in the Combobox appears in the back ground.
With me so far?

Now, the values of the Combobox.List are in Column A which can be seen in the background worksheet
once the DropButtonClick event is triggered.

Here is the Question :

If I place my MOUSE over a value in the list, Can the WorkSheet in the background scroll Up/Down to
Centre the Value or set the value to the top of the page?

I have values i need to LOOK at that are in Column C 2-22 rows below the value in Column A.

Is this possible?
What does the Mouse Up, Mouse Down, Mouse Move event's do, is this it???

How can i code this if that is the case ??


Tom Ogilvy

If multiselect is false, and the user selects the item, then it is
highlighted/selected and the Value of the combobox will hold that value.

If you want to react to where the mouse is hovering, you will have to take
cognizance of what is displayed in the list, and where the mouse is in
proportion to the height of the box and the number of items in the list and
manuever the sheet by calculating what item the mouse is over (would be my
guess - and it would only be approximate, but if you are just "centering"
the visible range, then that should be close enough).


Tom you LOST me there.

"Cognizance" is not in my general day to day vocabulary.
Actually never even heard of it, so i cannot work out where to go with it.

I have formatted the Combobox to list 42 items.
The Userform is positioned at the top of the page and Just right of the C Column.

If the Mouse Move event cannot move the page with code, what is it trying to do when the screen


If multiselect is false, and the user selects the item, then it is
highlighted/selected and the Value of the combobox will hold that value.

If you want to react to where the mouse is hovering, you will have to take
cognizance of what is displayed in the list, and where the mouse is in
proportion to the height of the box and the number of items in the list and
manuever the sheet by calculating what item the mouse is over (would be my
guess - and it would only be approximate, but if you are just "centering"
the visible range, then that should be close enough).

Tom Ogilvy

1. awareness, realization, or knowledge; notice; perception: The
guests took cognizance of the snide remark.

Where the userform is located - I don't see that having any bearing on the

I have formatted the Combobox to list 42 items.
so all items are visible at once?

If the Mouse Move event cannot move the page with code, what is it trying
to do when the screen
?? I don't recall anyone saying the Mouse Move event could not move the page
with code. Only you can tell why it flickers.
Are you saying it is working as you wish? Not sure what the question is

Anyway, this worked for me with minimal testing:

Private Sub ListBox1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, _
ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, _
ByVal Y As Single)
Dim rng as Range, v as double
Dim ti as Long, li as Long
Dim nrow as Long
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A42")
If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Sheet1" Then rng.Parent.Activate
nrow = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Columns(1).Cells.Count \ 2
v = (Y - ListBox1.Top) / (ListBox1.Height)
numItemsInView = 12
ti = ListBox1.TopIndex
li = CInt(v * numItemsInView) + ti

If li > -1 And li < ListBox1.ListCount - 1 Then
If li <= nrow Then
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
ElseIf li > ListBox1.ListCount - nrow Then
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = ListBox1.ListCount - nrow - 1
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = li - nrow
End If
End If
End Sub

ti is the top index in the listbox (first visible item)
li is the list index over which the mouse is hovering

Basically, as I previously stated, you figure out what the
relative/proportional distance is of the mouse compared to the height of the
listbox and translate that to a index position by multiplying that times the
number of items visible, then adding the top index. Then translate the li
into the source range and center that cell.

My listbox had 42 items in the list, with 12 items visible in the listbox at
any one time.

Cells were in A1:A42. I just did the Vertical center. You will need to
make adjustments if your range doesn't start in row 1.

this is just starter code to give you some ideas. You will need to put in
some sweat equity.

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