CurentCulture set to en-GB but dates are appearing in US format st


Phil Johnson

I am setting the current culture on the current thread in my global.asax.cs
application_start() event as follows:

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new

In my default.aspx.cs I then set the text of a label from a datetime
variable like this:

lblDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToLongDateString();

But the date is formatted in United States format.

I am hosting on a US host, so I would expect the format to be US without
setting the CurrentCulture, but I am clearly setting that to UK formatting so
I thought the date should be formatted as such.

Do I need to do something differently?

Phillip Johnson (MCSD For .NET)
PJ Software Development

Alexey Smirnov

I am setting the current culture on the current thread in my global.asax.cs
application_start() event as follows:

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new

In my default.aspx.cs I then set the text of a label from a datetime
variable like this:

lblDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToLongDateString();

But the date is formatted in United States format.

I am hosting on a US host, so I would expect the format to be US without
setting the CurrentCulture, but I am clearly setting that to UK formattingso
I thought the date should be formatted as such.

Do I need to do something differently?

Phillip Johnson (MCSD For .NET)
PJ Software

Hi Phillip,

either set the culture in Application_BeginRequest (instead the
or use Globalization section in the web.config.

<globalization culture="en-GB" uiCulture="en-GB"...

Phil Johnson

Thanks for that,

I'm guessing that's because sessions run in a different thread to the

As long as it works though, I'm happy :)


Phillip Johnson (MCSD For .NET)
PJ Software Development

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