


I use this code to test for workbook name and run the appropriate print

How can I call the regular Excel ctrl-p for workbooks that are not part of
my project instead of just a beep at the end?

Sub ProjectPrint()
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+p
Dim FileName As String, Length As Integer, FileClass As String
On Error GoTo EndIt
FileName = ActiveWorkbook.name
Length = Len(FileName)
FileClass = Left(FileName, Length - 4)
Length = Len(FileClass)
FileClass = Right(FileClass, Length - 4)
ProcName = "Do" + FileClass + "Print"
Run ProcName

End Sub

TIA, Jim

Dave Peterson

I'd just use a different shortcut key:
ctrl-shift-p (ctrl-P) for your code.

Without knowing how you determine if a workbook is part of your project, maybe
you could go by name:

Select case lcase(activeworkbook.name)
case is = "book1.xls", "book99.xls"
'do your macro
case else
activewindow.selectedsheets.printout 'preview:=true 'for testing??
end select

(untested, uncompiled.)

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