


I have a UserControl called MyUserControl and a web page that contains
that user control. My solution builds nicely but when i run it, i get

Compiler Error Message: The compiler failed with error code 1.
MyUserControl.ascx.cs(912305,33): error CS0115: 'ASP.myusercontrol
_ascx.FrameworkInitialize()': no suitable method found to override

I have not overriden any FrameworkInitialize in my ascx code. Same
error even if i try to override the FrameworkInitialize. I found a few
links related to this for ex. http://www.hanselman.com/blog/UpdatingFromEarlyASPNETBetaBuildsToBeta2.aspx
but they are about aspx pages not ascx controls.

Any ideas could help.


Anyone has any idea on why a web project would compile from inside
Visual Studio but would show a compile error when the project is run
and the page is loaded.

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