CrystalReportsWebFormViewer and Asp.Net

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I have manually deployed a web app that uses the 1.1 framework on a web
server that has a full install of VS.Net 2003 and Crystal Reports. I have a
virtual directory called CrystalReportsWebFormViewer that points to the
viewer directory in visual studio .net. I have given permission to
IUSR_WEBSERV which is my web app user for this virtual directory. When I
display the report viewer in my web app, it displays the data fine but it
does not display the icons for the viewer buttons. It displays a
placeholder with an 'x'. What I am doing wrong?


Christopher Reed

The virtual directory for CR.NET needs to be under the web application's
root directory.

Could you please explain that one a little bit more. I am not sure what you

Christopher Reed

When CR for .NET is installed, it creates a virtual directory under the
Default Website under IIS. To get this to work correctly with other
applications/websites, the same virtual directory needs to create for each
website/root directory. However, and since I don't have access to a server
at this time, you may even have to go the extra step and add the virtual
directory to an application when it is a subweb to a website.

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