I have an application that uses Crystal Reports using stored
procedures. The application worked fine using VisualStudio 2003.
However, when I upgraded to VS 2005 I started getting a popup screen
when I ran the application requesting a database login. The popup was
strange to me (I am just starting with VisualStudio). The server name
is pre-populated with one of the two datasets and is protected (I
cannot change it), the database field is blank and protected and it
doesn't matter how I try to login, it fails. Code snippet below.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
oRpt.SetParameterValue("SortOrderDesc", SortDesc)
oRpt.SetParameterValue("TerminationDate", dteRptDate)
CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = oRpt
End Sub
Shared Sub SetCrystalLogin(ByRef MyCrystal As CrystalReportViewer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To MyCrystal.LogOnInfo.Count
With MyCrystal.LogOnInfo(i - 1).ConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "dw-dev"
.DatabaseName = "imdsplus"
.UserID = "xxxxxx"
.Password = "yyyyyyy"
End With
Next i
End Sub
procedures. The application worked fine using VisualStudio 2003.
However, when I upgraded to VS 2005 I started getting a popup screen
when I ran the application requesting a database login. The popup was
strange to me (I am just starting with VisualStudio). The server name
is pre-populated with one of the two datasets and is protected (I
cannot change it), the database field is blank and protected and it
doesn't matter how I try to login, it fails. Code snippet below.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
oRpt.SetParameterValue("SortOrderDesc", SortDesc)
oRpt.SetParameterValue("TerminationDate", dteRptDate)
CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = oRpt
End Sub
Shared Sub SetCrystalLogin(ByRef MyCrystal As CrystalReportViewer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To MyCrystal.LogOnInfo.Count
With MyCrystal.LogOnInfo(i - 1).ConnectionInfo
.ServerName = "dw-dev"
.DatabaseName = "imdsplus"
.UserID = "xxxxxx"
.Password = "yyyyyyy"
End With
Next i
End Sub