Crystal Reports active x control documentation



Hello, Hoping someone can point me in the direction of using the
crystal reports controls provided for MS Access 2000. Accross our
business, we have a common web reporting tool for our $8Billion in
clients and 60K+ employees, and the myriad of db systems and
spreadsheets in use (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, etc.)

On our custom client contract, we have a custom db (MS A2k) that we
need to be able to access several crystal reports, and there just
doesn't seem to be much help or documentation for doing so from Access.
In particular, the report viewer and prompt control would be primary,
and other controls would be considered later down the road.

Thanks to the Pros and others who can offer some guidance!

Douglas J. Steele

I would think you'd stand a better chance of getting the documentation from

The report generation capabilities of Access are extremely good. I think
you'll find that most people use Access rather than Crystal for reports.

Dumb Albert

MyD0j0 said:
Hello, Hoping someone can point me in the direction of using the
crystal reports controls provided for MS Access 2000. Accross our
business, we have a common web reporting tool for our $8Billion in
clients and 60K+ employees, and the myriad of db systems and
spreadsheets in use (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, etc.)

On our custom client contract, we have a custom db (MS A2k) that we
need to be able to access several crystal reports, and there just
doesn't seem to be much help or documentation for doing so from Access.
In particular, the report viewer and prompt control would be primary,
and other controls would be considered later down the road.

Thanks to the Pros and others who can offer some guidance!

Golly. Awful big company you got there. Can't you hire somebody from IBM
technical services?

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