Nothing exciting to report, except the phone gets really hot when used all 8 cores and stops crunching for hours for the battery to cool down. I had to step down to 4 cores for it to crunch. Very disappointed
I also did not see much improvement compared to the previous model S7. The credits claimed at times on the phone seem to to be very high as the credit granted is nowhere near that.
Here are all the Android devices I used for crunching. in 2014 it must have been the Galaxy S4 and in 2017 it was S7, S8 and the lowly Samsung Avant. Cannot even tell the difference
Actually I had been a very loyal Motorola user from the beginning but for some reason they went out of the loop. I bought 6 Razers during its lifecycle My last Motorola was the Cliq 2 which is giving wonderful service as an alarm clock and weather info on my bedside
Once I got the iPhone too but had issues with them so returned it. The camera on it was just not to my expectations, however I did buy iPad two times and used it for few years. So always had the 4 platforms to my disposal Windows>Linux>IOS>Android. One time I had bought the Nokia communicator which had the Symbian system.
After getting my first Samsung which was the Galaxy S4 I continued to stick to the brand and went on to replace it with same brand whenever upgrading. S4>S6 Edge, S7>S7 Plus>S7>S7 Plus>S8 (yes 2 S7's and 2 S7 Edges).