Crunchers are getting a day off work


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Degraded database performance

The good news is that over the past few days we have seen the back end server daemons catch up and work has been flowing steadily to the users.

The bad news is that a number of our backend processes that that read large numbers of records for reports or for large batch updates of information have been performing worse and worse. We have identified the continuing cause of this issue.,34538_offset,0#408639

As a result, we are going to have to take unusual action in order to clear out the undo log. Specifically, we are going to have to stop all access to the database, take a complete backup, delete the existing database, and then restore the database from backup. This is the process that we used when we migrated from MySQL 5.1 to MySQL 5.5. Unfortunately, we estimate that with the current database size, this outage could take up to 24 hours. I will be posting details about that outage shortly.

a good time to give systems a clean out :)
Wow ! It's all very complicated. :confused:

I assume it means that we will not be able to communicate with WCG during the outage. But will crunching still continue on our machines?
but will crunching still continue on our machines?
yep ... is not a worry there ... just ignore the "cannot connect" notices, if indeed you get any. :)
I only have 32 WCG Units ready to crunch!:eek:
May just have enough for 24 hrs:D

67 on my main PC, however I have another 5 running in different places. Not checked those ones

Will get through these 67 well within 24hrs I rekon

Will have to wait and see
it is not happening today, we just getting a warning it will happen

oh, and I got 240 HCC1s that I will NOT return in time at today's end ... :rolleyes: