Crossword numbers in excel box



mfunk said:
Is there a way to get numbers in an excel box with letters

Disregarding your subject line totally ... here's one wild guess hazarded ..
you can always break for a new line within a cell by pressing Alt+ENTER? One
good practice, however, is never to mix numbers with text data in the same
cell. Always use 2 different cells. Much cleaner and easier for you to
perform subsequent calculations on the numbers downstream, etc.

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Luke M

As Max said in his post, you really shouldn't mix numbers & text. However, to
get the appearance of what you want, you might try this setup:

Selecting every other column, change column width to somthing small, say
0.5. Repeat with row height, making every other row about 8.25. Set the other
rows/columns to heights/widths appropriate to what you want for crossword.

You should have a sheet with tiny squares, big squares, and rectangles.
Ignore the rectangels. Selecting a group of four cells (1 tiny square, 2
rectangles, 1 big square) format cell to have a borer around edge. This will
give appearance of a single square, creating base for your crossword. Copy
this formatting to other cells as needed. Now, you can place a number in top
left corner, and text letter in bottom right corner.

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