Crosstab query, ADO Query, Parameters



I created a crosstab query, added in the Design mode parameters and without
any problems I can open it when the form containing parameters is open. But
when I would like to start the same query using an ADO command it always
generates an error (missing parameters). Do I need to redeclare parameters if
they are available from the form?
crosstab query - qInterimSaffronCrosstabAverageIND
parameter - [Forms]![frmDatePicker]![Text63] Integer
form name - frmDatePicker

code -
rst1.Open "qInterimSaffronCrosstabAverageIND", cnn1, adOpenStatic,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
(frmDatePicker open when the command is executed)

error - No value given to one or more parameters


of course when I am trying to run the ADO query the form containing the
parameters is open

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