Purpose of crosstab is to show case volumes for all employees each fiscal
period -- whether there is data or not.
Problem : not all employee names and periods are showing up in the crosstab.
Using Access 2003
Looking for the following set up where the company has just completed p03:
EmpName p01 p02 p03 p04 p05 p06 p07 ---- p12
Susan xx
Cathy xx
John xx xx
Mark xx xx
What has been done:
*Period data table : contains employee case data for each period
Field names : EmpName, Period, ScanGroup, etc
*Workgroup table : contains ALL employee names for each period (ie. each
employee name shows up twelve times -- once for each period)
Field name : EmpName, Period, Workgroup, Division, etc
*Created query called DETAILS bringing in the above two tables where
EmpName.PeriodData tbl and Period.PeriodData tbl joined to the same names in
Workgroup tbl where the join is to show all employee/periods from the
Workgroup tbl and from PeriodData tbl where the joined fields are equal.
*Created Crosstab query using PeriodData tbl and Details query where
EmpName/Period.PeriodData is joined to same names in Details query to show
all employees/periods from the Details query. The Employee Name and Period
from the Details query are used as the column and row headings, respectively
with the value being count of ScanGroup.PeriodData tbl.
Only get the records for employees where this is data. Any assistance would
be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Purpose of crosstab is to show case volumes for all employees each fiscal
period -- whether there is data or not.
Problem : not all employee names and periods are showing up in the crosstab.
Using Access 2003
Looking for the following set up where the company has just completed p03:
EmpName p01 p02 p03 p04 p05 p06 p07 ---- p12
Susan xx
Cathy xx
John xx xx
Mark xx xx
What has been done:
*Period data table : contains employee case data for each period
Field names : EmpName, Period, ScanGroup, etc
*Workgroup table : contains ALL employee names for each period (ie. each
employee name shows up twelve times -- once for each period)
Field name : EmpName, Period, Workgroup, Division, etc
*Created query called DETAILS bringing in the above two tables where
EmpName.PeriodData tbl and Period.PeriodData tbl joined to the same names in
Workgroup tbl where the join is to show all employee/periods from the
Workgroup tbl and from PeriodData tbl where the joined fields are equal.
*Created Crosstab query using PeriodData tbl and Details query where
EmpName/Period.PeriodData is joined to same names in Details query to show
all employees/periods from the Details query. The Employee Name and Period
from the Details query are used as the column and row headings, respectively
with the value being count of ScanGroup.PeriodData tbl.
Only get the records for employees where this is data. Any assistance would
be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.