Cross Screen Animation



Is there a way to use animated clip art that moves across the screen? For
example, is there a way to have a character walk or run all the way across
the screen rather than just move in one position?


For PowerPoint 2000 and below,
Add the fly in effect in the custom animation on the clip art.
Then, drag the clip art off to the right side of the slide.

For PowerPoint 2002/XP and above,
You can do the above method mentioned. In addition, you can also add motion
path on the clip art. To do so, click on the clip art, open custom animation,
then click Add Effect > Motion Path > Right.

Is that what you want?
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


As Tohlz says - one extra thing you will probably find that even "very slow"
is too fast so go to effect options and change the 5 in very slow to eg 10 or
even more.

Michael Koerner

Have a look at the first and last slide in this online presentation

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Is there a way to use animated clip art that moves across the screen? For
| example, is there a way to have a character walk or run all the way across
| the screen rather than just move in one position?

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