Cropped Images with Shadow




I have a question regarding taking cropped images that have been saved
from Photoshop 7 and as a JPG or GIF and then importing the image into

I've noticed on a couple of sites that the images had a little
backshadow ... giving them a three dimensional look. Another words
there was a picture and then the picture's shadow on the background of
the page. Does anybody know how this is done? Would really appreciate
any feedback on this.


Kevin Spencer

It's done in the image. The image is actually a bit larger than it looks,
and includes the shadow. The background must be the same color as the Page


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.



I have a question regarding taking cropped images that have been saved
from Photoshop 7 and as a JPG or GIF and then importing the image into

I've noticed on a couple of sites that the images had a little
backshadow ... giving them a three dimensional look. Another words
there was a picture and then the picture's shadow on the background of
the page. Does anybody know how this is done? Would really appreciate
any feedback on this.



The 3 most common, but by no means all, the image editing software is MS
Picture It, Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements. All three of these
have drop sahdow efffects. In Elements, it is a "layer style. The shadow
can be several different types and sometimes colors.
You can email me directly if you want more info.

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