crm data base format or software package



after an extended and so far successful bout with cancer,i'm returning to trying to start an insurance agency.i have access to a printed list
of prospective customers with fairly detailed info on each
person(name,address,sex,d.o.b.,ss#,etc).nothing is computerized.i want to
enter this info into a data base in such a manner that i am able to retrieve
prospects names by various fields ,such as all prospects within a specific
zip code or by sex or d.o.b., intention is to send written info to
these lists of prospects in order to generate sales do i create
such a database?is there a software program that will do this?my
knowledge&expertise in this area is virtually nil so any and all help or
suggestions will be gratefully appreciated. all the best, DANNYBOY


I've used ACT! -- it does all the things you describe and works well enough.
Goldmine is another CRM application. I haven't used it, but those who have
seem to like it.

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