Critical Updates + Wireless



I have just had a wireless network installed in 3
computers in our home.... now discover since my laptop is
hooked up and able to access the internet, I read that my
Windows XP has 47 "critical updates" needed. Yikes!! How
will this impact my new WLAN's installation? I tried to
read some of the security advice on the updates and was
quickly lost in the process. Warnings about what to do if
the SP1 package fouls up your computer, etc.

Please try to explain in plain English what the
ramifications are if I don't update XP, or how many
problems will be created in my wireless network if I DO???

Previously, we used one computer with a hi speed dsl
(cable) connection to the internet, and that computer was
always received the Windows updates. My laptop had
primarily been the receiver for digital photo storage,

Richard G. Harper

Best advice? Install them all. If need be you can use System Restore or
Uninstall (preferably uninstall) to get rid of any that cause problems.

They're called "Critical Updates" for a reason.

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