Critical Updates Will Not Download



In the last three weeks I have tried to download the new Critical Updates. I
am running XP and have SP2 installed (from CD.) I have turned off the
firewall (ZoneAlarm) and Norton AV. I have selected one (the IE update), then
the other (Office update.) I have set up the automatic download/install to
run frequently.

Still no luck. The Error Code I get is: 80072EFD--I find this by hitting
"Failed" on the Installation History.

HELP!!! Any thoughts?

Taurarian Fire

When accessing the Windows Update site, you receive the 0x80072EFD error.
You receive an "Error 0x80072EE2" or "Error 0x80072EFD" error message when you try to
use Windows Update
When you try to use the Microsoft Windows Update Web site, you may receive one of the
following error messages:
Error 0x80072EE2
Error 0x80072EFD
Initialization Error 0x80072F76
Error IUCTL Failed to download from to C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate\V4\temp
(Error 0x80072F76)

Translation: Cannot connect to the Internet server

See also:
When searching for available updates on the Windows Update site, you
receive the 0x8024402C, 0x80240030 or 0x8024502d error.

also another user’s solution: "GK" wrote:

Here is how I was able to work around the problem.
Using command prompt
1. proxycfg -d (to clear proxy cache)
2. net stop wuauserv (to stop Automatic updates service)

Using Windows Explorer
3. Delete all files and folders in
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution (your windows folder may vary)

Again using command prompt
4. net start wuauserv (to start Automatic updates service)

Try now going back to Windows Update web page.

It worked for me. YMMV


I had the same problem with windows updates and tried all the remedies
posted on umpteen replies and none worked.
I then found while scouring the net this piece of information of which -
BINGO - it worked! (not sure if its in the forum anywhere but here it is

Re-register the WU components:
1. Quit all programs that are running.
2. Click Start, and then click Run.
3. Type "regsvr32 wuapi.dll" (without the quotation marks), and then click
4. When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded" message,
click OK.
If this does not resolve the problem, repeat inputting the following
commands and click OK after each command.
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 wuauserv.dll
regsvr32 wucltui.dll
regsvr32 wups.dll
regsvr32 wuweb.dll
regsvr32 iuengine.dll

"A couple of these regsvr32's did not register but I ignored them and as I
stated it still corrected the problem.
I sincerely hope it helps anyone who is going nuts trying to sort the
problem out!"


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