Creating users



I'm fairly new to Access, but I'm trying to set up an order entry database
and need to be able to create unique user logons. In addition, I need to
create a field that automatically populates the user ID for each record
entered by that user. Please help. Thanks.


You can set up Access User Level security, but before you do, you will want
to do some extensive research and study on it. It is complex and tricky. It
is not uncommon for someone to accidently lock the security so tight that no
one can get into an database, so be careful.

As to updating a field in your table each time a user adds a record, you
just need to bind the field to a control on your form. It can be hidden.
The make the default value of the field:

That will put the value of the currently logged in user in the field. If
user level security is not set up, it will return Admin for all users.

John W. Vinson

Access 2003
Windows XP Professional

Let me just chime in and emphasize that Dave is correct: Access security is
pretty tricky.

Download the Microsoft Access 2000 Security FAQ:

Don't worry, it applies through 2003. Note that workgroup security has been
*removed* from 2007, and you cannot apply it to a 2007 format .accdb database;
bear that in mind if you plan to upgrade.

Print out the FAQ. Read it, carefully.

Get a good night's sleep.

Read the FAQ again, even MORE carefully.

Make a backup of your database; verify that it works and put it in a safe

Secure your database using the printout as a guide. I'd suggest checking off
each step as you do.

Workgroup security can be broken, but done correctly it will probably meet
your needs. If the contents of the data are really business-critical and/or if
you're worried about serious hackers deliberately trying to get at data they
shouldn't have, then you should really consider putting the data in a properly
secured SQL Server (and using Access as a frontend).

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