Creating ToolStripMenu based on user rights



I have .NET 2 WinForms MDI application containing 250 ToolStripMenu items.

I need to make some submenus invisible and individual menus invisible if
user has no rights or insuficient level of access. This can be determined at
menu creation time.

1. Modify WinForms designer generated code manually by not creating
unwanted items. After that it is no more possible to use designer anymore
so this is difficult.

2. Use form OnLoad to remove unwanted items:

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
if (!SecurityManager.IsAllowed("Invoice") &&
!SecurityManager.IsAllowed("Order")) {

This requires writing a lot of code and hardcoding all menu item names

3. Store access levels in Tag property in designer:
Tag = @"!SecurityManager.IsAllowed(""Invoice"") &&
In OnLoad event use reflection to evaluate Tag expression and use
RemoveByKey to remove unwanted items.
In this case security information if placed in every object property, no
central place to control.

4. Create menus dynamically from some class attributes or from some other

Where to find more information and sample code ?
Which is best way for this ?


Marc Gravell

For reference, it would probably be pretty easy to extend the
"extension" role stuff (post over weekend) to do this - either with some
kind of delimited token (this+that+other), or by setting a master role
(or roles) on the component, with more specific roles on the extension
("foo on bar") - and insist that it has both.

I'm not going to mock it up, but it sounds like about half-an-hours work
from on top of what I posted the other day.



For reference, it would probably be pretty easy to extend the "extension"
role stuff (post over weekend) to do this - either with some kind of
delimited token (this+that+other), or by setting a master role (or roles)
on the component, with more specific roles on the extension ("foo on
bar") - and insist that it has both.

I have authentication table in server containing columns

UserOrRoleName - John, Seller, Manager, Marc etc.
Privilege - Invoice, Order etc.
Access level - Read, Write, Post etc.
Department - Sales, Support etc.
I'm not going to mock it up, but it sounds like about half-an-hours work
from on top of what I posted the other day.

I assume that you are referencing a code below.
I have no idea how using any .NET classes with this table to create
AccessLevel( UserOrRoleName, Privilege Department ) function.
So it seems that I must implement my custom authentication.


For info, here is a rough sketch of what the component would look
like... this allows both IDE and programmatic usage; note that for
roles-based security you'd also need to initialize the principal - at
the most primative this can be as simple as:

Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(
new GenericIdentity("Marc"), // name of user
new string[] { "BASIC" } // array of roles that the
user has

Obviously if your security model is more complex, you may need to
change things ;-p

[ProvideProperty("Role", typeof(Control))]
[Description("Provides automatic role-checking")]
public class RoleDisabler : Component, IExtenderProvider
private Dictionary<Control, string> map
= new Dictionary<Control, string>();
public string GetRole(Control control)
if (control == null) return "";
string role;
map.TryGetValue(control, out role);
return role ?? "";
public void SetRole(Control control, string role)
if (control == null) return;
bool add = false, remove = false;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(role))
remove = map.Remove(control);
add = !map.ContainsKey(control);
map[control] = role;
if (!DesignMode)
if (add)
control.ParentChanged += control_ParentChanged;

else if (remove)
control.ParentChanged -= control_ParentChanged;
private void SetEnabled(Control control)
if (DesignMode || control == null) return;
string role;
if (map.TryGetValue(control, out role))
IPrincipal principal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
control.Enabled = principal == null ? false :
void control_ParentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetEnabled(sender as Control);
bool IExtenderProvider.CanExtend(object obj)
return obj is Control;


I have .NET 2 WinForms MDI application containing 250 ToolStripMenu items.

I need to make some submenus invisible and individual menus invisible if
user has no rights or insuficient level of access. This can be determined at
menu creation time.

1. Modify WinForms designer generated code manually by not creating
unwanted items. After that it is no more possible to use designer anymore
so this is difficult.

2. Use form OnLoad to remove unwanted items:

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
if (!SecurityManager.IsAllowed("Invoice") &&
                !SecurityManager.IsAllowed("Order")) {

This requires writing a lot of code and hardcoding all menu item names

3. Store access levels in Tag property in designer:
   Tag = @"!SecurityManager.IsAllowed(""Invoice"") &&
In OnLoad event use reflection to evaluate Tag expression and use
RemoveByKey to remove unwanted items.
In this case security information if placed in every object property, no
central place to control.

4. Create menus dynamically from some class attributes or from some other

Where to find more information and sample code ?
Which is best way for this ?



I'm not sure I understood perfectly what you need, but is seems you
can do what you need with this tool:

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