Creating Restore Points



I know that you can create restore points in Vista manully through the
control panel but I'd like to be able to do this through the task manager so
I can specify the interval or use some other event as a trigger for creating
the restore point. To do this, I need the executible for creating a restore
point. Dose anybody know where this would be located?

If you can help, respond here or email (e-mail address removed)



but say I wanted to have a certain event trigger the creation of a restore
point. In that case, wouldn't I need the executible?


also, I'm new to this forum, and I can't find where to download the
attachment you spoke of.


Hi Mockree,

Sorry for the delay. Open my first reply (date 21/06/07). Right top of the
window is a paperclip icon, click on this and an option to save attachment
is there. Save the attachment SR 3 day.xml to any convenient place (virus
scan if you want to, it is clean).

To import, Start Orb/Control Panel/Admin Tools/ Task Scheduler Then click on
the "arrows" in the left pane to open Library/Microsoft/Windows and then
click SystemRestore (2/3 of the way down). Click Import task in the Right
Pane and navigate to where you saved SR 3Day. Click on that file and all is

Of course I don't know what your "certain events" are. SR 3 Day, as the name
suggests will create a SR every 3 days or at next boot after three days. If
this is no use to you, then ignore me and I will go away :blush:} Otherwise, go
to the same SystemRestore item and play about with the Create Task or Create
Basic Task. Never having done this myself I can't help any more.

Post again with more specific requirements for your "certain events",
perhaps a more knowledgeable person will assist.



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Douglas Adams


thanks shawn. I was able to create the shortcut, but for some reason it
doesn't work. System Restore is turned on. any ideas?


I did check. Didn't see it listed :(

brink said:
Hi Mockree,

When you click on the shortcut to create a restore point, it will
(suppose to) create one with out any notification or any pop up windows.
Check and see if the new restore point's date is listed with your other
restore points.



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for some reason the script is failing with a message of
Script: c:\users\createrp.vbs
Line: 1
Char: 1
Error: 0x80041021
Code: 80041021
Source: (null)

I looked at the source code and didn't see any obvious errors. any ideas?


one more question. when you create the shortcut, why do you have to say


in front of the


what does that first line do?


last question. why can't i select it to always run as administrator as I can
with other shortcuts using the compatibility tab. One this shortcut, the
compatibility tab is grayed out.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Adding "wscript.exe" at the beginning, adds the "Run as Administrator" context menu when you right-click on the shortcut. If you don't specify "wscript.exe", you will not be able to elevate (run with Admin permissions) the script.

How to create a System Restore point in Windows Vista:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting

one more question. when you create the shortcut, why do you have to say


in front of the


what does that first line do?


would you mind terribly if I used you guide to setting up the restore point
with the script and everything in a document that could potentially be passed
around to people at my company?

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