Creating or Copying user accounts


Myles Bauer

I have recently upgraded my win ME computer to XP home and only have a main
admin account. I want to add accounts for my kids so they can't install
anything without me saying so. My Son's been downloading hacks for his
games that I don't what him to put on my computer. How can I create or
better yet copy the main account with limited access so I won't have to
reinstall all the programs and I want them to have access to there documents
for school and such.


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


You can copy over some stuff from the admin account to the other local user
profiles, but some programs will still require that you reinstall them under
each user profile. It has to do with the way they are written (either aware
of true user profiles or not). Copy desired shortcuts to the allusers start
menu folder and see which ones work and which don't.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

This may help with installing and running some programs, as limited users
are not normally allowed to install programs:

Some Programs Do Not Work If You Log On from Limited Account [Q307091]

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


I have recently upgraded my win ME computer to XP home and only have a main
admin account. I want to add accounts for my kids so they can't install
anything without me saying so. My Son's been downloading hacks for his
games that I don't what him to put on my computer. How can I create or
better yet copy the main account with limited access so I won't have to
reinstall all the programs and I want them to have access to there documents
for school and such.

How about monitoring your kids to make sure they aren't doing what
they shouldn't be? Or maybe teaching them to follow your
instructions? No software solution can ever be as effective as
diligent parenting.

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