Frank Natoli
www.xpefiles.com has a post to create a WinXPe NUL device using the
below registry script. RegEdt32.exe is able to create the Class data,
then fails on the LEGACY_NULL data. A C++ program of my own devise
fails in the same place with "access denied". Yes, I have admin rights.
Although using T/D to build a WinXPe image with NUL is the "best"
solution, that is problematic in my context because (1) my WinXPe
component database strangely does not contain NULL.SYS nor LEGACY_NULL
nor anything relevant to NUL, and (2) the system experiencing this
problem [using Apache web services] is locked in a secure location and
changing its WinXPe compact flash will be a royal pain. What might be
preventing the below REG data from being imported?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Non-Plug and Play Drivers"
Copy null.sys on %systemdrive%\system32\drivers
below registry script. RegEdt32.exe is able to create the Class data,
then fails on the LEGACY_NULL data. A C++ program of my own devise
fails in the same place with "access denied". Yes, I have admin rights.
Although using T/D to build a WinXPe image with NUL is the "best"
solution, that is problematic in my context because (1) my WinXPe
component database strangely does not contain NULL.SYS nor LEGACY_NULL
nor anything relevant to NUL, and (2) the system experiencing this
problem [using Apache web services] is locked in a secure location and
changing its WinXPe compact flash will be a royal pain. What might be
preventing the below REG data from being imported?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Non-Plug and Play Drivers"
Copy null.sys on %systemdrive%\system32\drivers