creating job numbers automatically



Hi there guys,
I am currently the poor dodo assigned at work to update a database....and
have only basic understanding of access..

We work on job numbers and what I need to do is have dataentry in a form
that has the next sequential number to be allocated automatically to save
having to manually look it up.

This auto field would have to have text and numbers and has the following
example: DUB06 then the next number (dub is the allocated town which doesnt
change, 06 is the year)
any help most appreciated


Here is one solution. Use a totals query to find the maximum number. Parse
it and increment by one. Use this query as record source for an unbound text
box on your form and label 'Next number.'

In the regular text box have DoubleClick call a macro to SetValue from
unbound text box to the regular text box.

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