Creating forms in Microsoft 2003



I am currently putting together a form for our reviews. In putting together
this form, there is a number value that a user would select to rate the

These values range from 1 to 5 in a drop down box that the user would select.
I would like a total from the 4 sections that they are rating the employee
to be at the bottom of the form.

Is this possible?

Jay Freedman

I am currently putting together a form for our reviews. In putting together
this form, there is a number value that a user would select to rate the

These values range from 1 to 5 in a drop down box that the user would select.
I would like a total from the 4 sections that they are rating the employee
to be at the bottom of the form.

Is this possible?

In the Properties dialog of each of the dropdown boxes, check the "Calculate on
exit" option.

At the place where you want the total, insert a field like this one, where you
create each pair of field braces by pressing Ctrl+F9 (typing braces will _not_

{ = {Dropdown1} + {Dropdown2} + {Dropdown3} + {Dropdown4} }

Use the actual names you assigned to the dropdowns in their Properties dialogs
(in the Bookmark box). Click in the field and press F9 to update it.

After you re-protect the form, whenever you make a choice and tab out of a
dropdown, the total field will automatically recalculate.


Thanks so much for your help. Can you please help me on taking the total
value and dividing it by 4.

What I have done is the CTRL F9 as you have suggested below and at the end I
would put /4 and it does not divide. What am I missing?

Thanks Again!

Jay Freedman

The field code for that would be

{ = ( {Dropdown1} + {Dropdown2} + {Dropdown3} + {Dropdown4} ) / 4 }

Note that the parentheses group the additions together, and that the /4 is
inside the last right brace.


One last question....I think.

Is it possible to have a drop down menu, but the user would not be able to
make a selection. The menu is just a definition of what the person would be
rating their employee. I don't want them to be able to select out of the

Jay Freedman

If I understand what you're asking -- and I'm not sure I do -- I don't think you
can do that.

The dropdown's Properties dialog has a checkbox for "Dropdown enabled", but if
you uncheck it then the user can't see anything except the first entry. That's
completely useless for your purpose. If it's enabled, then the user can always
make a selection.

Well, you could have a dropdown that isn't used in any formula, so making a
selection in it wouldn't have any effect -- but it couldn't be the same dropdown
as the one that the formula does depend on.

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