Am using VBA in Word to create a drop-down list. I want
the list to appear in a bookmarked form field and am
setting it up as an "on-entry" macro....the code I have so
far uses range (which I don't think is right) the
parameters Start: and End send the list to the top of the
form (not good). How can I word the code to have the list
appear in the bookmarked form field referenced in the
code? I know I'm not even close on this one.....
Sample of where I am at.....
Sub Dropdown()
Set ffield = ActiveDocument.FormFields.Add( _
Range:=ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0), _
With ffield
.Name = "No1"
With .Dropdown.ListEntries
.Add Name:="Entry 1"
.Add Name:="Entry 2"
.Add Name:="Entry 3"
End With
End Sub
the list to appear in a bookmarked form field and am
setting it up as an "on-entry" macro....the code I have so
far uses range (which I don't think is right) the
parameters Start: and End send the list to the top of the
form (not good). How can I word the code to have the list
appear in the bookmarked form field referenced in the
code? I know I'm not even close on this one.....
Sample of where I am at.....
Sub Dropdown()
Set ffield = ActiveDocument.FormFields.Add( _
Range:=ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0), _
With ffield
.Name = "No1"
With .Dropdown.ListEntries
.Add Name:="Entry 1"
.Add Name:="Entry 2"
.Add Name:="Entry 3"
End With
End Sub