creating dependent list boxes



I have a table containing product part numbers. Each of these part
numbers is available with up to three (3) separate accessories. Some
products are available with all three accessories while others may only
be available with two of the three or even one of the three

What I want to do is this: When the user selects a particular part
number in a drop down list in lets say cell A1, I want cell A2 to
display a drop down list containing only those accessories available
for the selected part number.

Example: Cell A1 = Part #123
Cell A2 = drop down displays accessories A, B & C

Cell A1 = Part #555
Cell A2 = drop down list displays accessory A only

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Debra Dalgleish

I assumed you had a product table, with products listed in column A,
Accessories listed in row 1, and marked with an "X" where an accessory
is available for a product. Based on the table, the correct list of
accessories can be shown, after a product is selected in the order form.

The sample file is here:

Under Data Validation, look for 'Dependent Cell List Lookup'

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