creating datagrid with code


David C

I am trying to dynamically create a datagrid with code that looks exactly
like what the asp tags show below. It has only one column and that column
is a template column with a link button control.

This is how far I was able to take this.

DataGrid dgRecords = new DataGrid();
dgRecords.DataKeyField = "RecordID";
dgRecords.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

TemplateColumn temcol = new TemplateColumn();

I know it's not very much. I just can't figure out how to have the embedded
link button control in the column. Thanks.

<asp:DataGrid id="dgRecords" runat="server" DataKeyField="RecordID"
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkLink" Runat="server">
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Entry")%>

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