Creating a serializable exception




We have a C3Exception class derived from ApplicationException, however when
the exeption is thrown from a remote-server it complains that the
C3Exception is not marked as serializable, however, when I implement
ISerializable it still complains, any ideas?

Here is the code:

// Class: C3Exception

// The base class for all C3 exceptions

public class C3Exception : ApplicationException, ISerializable


// Constructor: C3Exception

// Argument:

// msg - The exception error message

public C3Exception(string msg)

: base(msg)



// Constructor: C3Exception

// This version formats the msg string using String.Format() and accepts

// its arguments in the same way.

// Arguments:

// msg - The exception error message

// args - Arguments for insertion into the message

public C3Exception(string msg, params object [] args)

: base(string.Format(msg, args))



public C3Exception(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) :
base(info, context)



public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)


base.GetObjectData(info, context);





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